11:42 PM
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New Delhi: Monsoon woes don’t end with dandruff. The sweaty and sticky scalp brings lice with it. Worry not, as there are solutions in the form of onion and garlic juice.
Hair transplant surgeon Sakshee Sareen says that due to accumulation of sweat in the scalp, chances of hair lice or fungal infection increases during the monsoon season.
“And since the scalp remains wet for a longer duration, the hair lice multiplies very rapidly,” Sareen told IANS.
Lice are found mostly in long hair, and she advises not to tie up damp hair.
“Lice are found majorly in long hair because they can easily lodge and multiply in comparison to shorter hair. If long hair is tied up for long, the chances of lice increases because of the dampness and sweat,” she said.
But women need not fear as one can take steps to prevent lice from attacking the scalp.
“Those with long hair specially should wash their hair regularly and after washing should completely dry their hair before tying it up. Once or twice in a week, check for lice and brush hair with soft bristle comb,” said Sareen.
Since lice spread fast, even if a family member or friend has the problem you should take care. She advises not to share personal belongings like comb, hair accessories, pillow and other products that touch the hair.
Sareen suggests few home remedies too. Garlic, neem and onion can be of great help.
“Apply garlic paste or juice all over your hair and scalp, keep it for some 30-40 minutes, then wash it. One can try onion juice and white vinegar mixture - apply it on your scalp and keep it for at least an hour. Neem oil is also very effective to remove hair lice and it should be kept for one-and-a-half to two hours,” she said.
If you think natural remedies consume time, use medicated lotions or sprays.
“There is anti-lice shampoo also, but it will only kill the lice not the eggs. So it’s better to opt for natural solutions,” she said.
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