Blind dates can be tricky! While for all obvious reasons one should not readily give away contact numbers or home addresses in the first meeting, it’s also advisable to end the conversation amicably. Here are five things to remember, when on blind date, according to

Nag your friend for information: If your friend has sent you on a date, then try and get maximum about that person. Not only will this give you an indication of what to expect on your date, but it will also allow you to have some idea of what he likes, dislikes and what both of you have in common.

Have realistic expectations: You’ve got to be real. Have faith that if your friend has sent you on a blind date, he must be sure you’ll like the guy, but don’t be under the illusion that you’ll get Tom Hardy sitting opposite you.

Don't walk away: It’s a blind date. So, there are chances you might not like him, but you don’t have to be rude and tell him that straight on his face. Don’t walk away immediately either. Think of how you would feel if he would have done the same.

Have fun: Don’t forget that you’re there to enjoy each other’s company. So, even if you don’t see it going anywhere romantically, you can still have a good time. If it gets boring or too awkward, simply try and end the date and say goodbye amicably.

Be cautious: Even if the guy is your best friend’s friend, be cautious with what kind of information you give away. No matter how well the date is going, don’t invite him at your house or accept his invitation until you’ve gotten to know each other really well over multiple meetings


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