Have you heard that your urine could help get rid of your zits, or that nappy rash cream is a great moisturiser? Well, that and many other weird beauty tips and tricks doing the rounds sometimes do work. We put together a list of some of the unusual ones we came across...

Use liquid antacid as a face mask
Take two table spoons of liquid antacid and apply as a mask on a clean face for 15 minutes. Just like it works inside your stomach, it also works on your face by breaking down oils and acids on your skin. Wash off and see the difference.

Mayo is a good hair conditioner
Slick on some mayonnaise (with egg) on your clean and partially wet, recently-shampooed strands. If you have a steamer at home, you could steam your mayo-ed hair and then leave it on for eight to ten minutes. Next, wash off your hair.

Diaper rash cream can treat dry skin
These creams have intense moisturising properties and also contain ingredients that are anti-inflammatory. So, when you apply this on rough skin like your elbows and cracked feet, they recover.

Deal with puffy eyes
Take a raw potato and cut out two thick slices. Do not wash. Lie down and place the slices on your closed eyelids. Keep it on for 15 minutes. The puffiness will decrease thanks to the juices from the raw potato.

Use lemon juice to highlight hair
Lemon juice has bleaching agents. So, when you streak strands with lemon juice and are out in the sun, they turn lighter. However, this may not work on very thick, jet black hair.

Use vinegar to get shiny hair
A capful of vinegar as an after-rinse can work wonders for your hair and make it shiny.
Overnight pimple cure
This is a popular one — apply white toothpaste (gel toothpaste does not work) on your pimple at night and wake up to see an acne-free face. But this works only on sparse acne that is just breaking out, not on a face full of severe acne.

Anti- cellulite cream for your double chin
Use an anti -cellulite cream to tighten your doublechin.

Olive oil for hair
Massage olive oil generously onto your scalp and also apply on your strands. This makes the hair silkier and conditions it.

Battle cellulite with coffee
Ground coffee, used as a scrub, can do wonders for your skin. Mix the ground coffee with olive oil and apply on all cellulite-prone areas. Wrap cling film or plastic and leave it on for around 20 minutes. Wash off. This works with repetitions.

Cure sunburn with a tea bath
There are ingreadients in strong black tea that are healing. So, taking a bath with this, after getting sunburnt, will help.

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