The two-month window: Affairs of the heart are complicated, to say the least. Quite often, what's true and real could take time before making itself apparent. Men mostly act on impulse and start pestering their ex only days after they've been apart. Take time and give her that space. This way, you can come off as someone non-needy and stable, helping you win back lost trust.
Casual contact: When you have figured out that it's time to get back in touch with her, keep it casual. Even though you feel there are butterflies in your stomach, don't let it show and be cool. There is no point in stating the obvious like, "I want to get back with you," or "It's time we spoke again." This will only freak her out. Try and show her the guy you were before the break-up. Be non-irritating but funny. Show her that the guy she first met is still there. The familiar approach may help her feel secure about you.
Re-establish trust: When you meet her, keep flirting, but remember not to take any drastic steps. Getting physical at this time is a wrong idea. She needs to establish trust first, so keep it like it always was, even though it is difficult. Don't expect great outcomes when you both reconnect. Rebooting a relationship and getting the magic back is tricky. Play it slow and steady.
Keep meeting: Now that you had your 'first date', it's time you put in work. Try and get a second date. This is the crucial time when she will be talking with her friends about you and making her mind up. This is when you need to be at your best. Get on the phone with her, and keep the text-messaging or instant messaging on. Play the old jokes you two shared together. If there is anything worth saving in your relationship, the things that were funny then, will be funny now. This is also the correct time for you to figure whether you want in or not. If you can feel the old magic, chances are she's feeling it too.
The big talk: If you have successfully established a dating pattern, it could be that you both are already together and don't even realise it. To make it official that you're both back on track again, now would be the right time to have the big talk. Have a proper sit-down and talk about what went wrong between you and why it is right for you to get back. Talk about recent times when you have been at your best. Tell her you want to continue doing that. If she notices the effort you put into making things right, nothing will stop her from appreciating it. Stick to what you've told her.
Don't let the changes be cosmetic, because you may not get a 'second chance' again!