A little makeup is always good, especially when one is heading to the office. But, how much makeup does one apply when at work?
While many like to go sans any makeup; others sometimes go over-the-top
with it. A fine balance is the solution. Here are a few tips:
In a formal environment, always keep the makeup subtle. Avoid dramatic
eyes with bright-coloured eye shadows and liners. Instead opt for just
kajal or eye liner.
- Avoid glitters or sparkles when it comes
to office makeup. Firstly, they are good only for nightouts. Also, they
act as distractions.
- When it comes to lip colour, stay away
from pop colours. Keep the drama and the shock for the weekends; instead
opt for soft sheer colours.
- You can use a concealer or a compact after applying moisturizer on your face to hide marks or lighten any area.
- Avoid using blush while heading to the office as it might look a little over-the-top.
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