Have you ever had thoughts on the lines of 'what was I thinking?!' It might be a fleeting thought in your mind, but as many believe, sometimes it's better to be single for a while till you sort out your priorities. Here's why :-
Accountability: If you're single, you're accountable to only one person - yourself. You're solely responsible for your own decisions, both right and wrong so every mistake you make will teach you and every success you achieve will be yours to celebrate alone.

Discover yourself: It's important that you discover yourself and what you want from life, before you get into a unit like a relationship. Use the time you have to yourself in learning more about yourself and what you desire, rather than consuming yourself with someone else.

Build a career: It's not necessary that your career controls your life, but you should have a strong foothold in some professionally sphere. This not only gives you a sound financial backing but also gives you a sense of security and accomplishment.

Decisions: If you are single, you can take decisions solely based on what you want from life and what your desires are and not mould your life around what others want from you and function according to their wishes. You are the master of your own dreams and desires, after all, aren't you?

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