Here's why it's not a bad idea at all to date a `a formerly attached' soul

Love is all about letting go of pride and prejudice, and giving it a chance to bloom, and in most cases, a second chance. A wounded heart would know. So if you have not found your true love yet, don't fret. S/he may be the divorced friend you have not noticed because they were always so into their ex. While harbouring insecurity and jealousy seem to be natural when dating someone who was once attached, being with an experienced old hand (who has, perhaps, even walked down the aisle once) isn't such a bad idea.

Relationship experts explain why.

They get introspective
This one's for the ladies. Most women perceive men as being emotionally strong, and therefore, incapable of experiencing openness. But those men who have gone through the anguish of separation come to realise that they have made mistakes in the marriage and long, not only to make progress in personal development, but also hope to enjoy a healthy relationship with the right partner.

They have a new passion for life
Divorced men could be more passionate because they are free, possibly for the first time or after a long time in many years. The song of love they had wanted to sing may not have been possible with their previous partner, so imagine the thrill of being with a woman willing to match his tune in this fresh season of life. This is true of women too, as they suddenly have time and space to themselves instead of worrying about what the hubby is thinking.

They emerge wiser
A man who has legally separated from his former love spends loads of time trying to figure out why the last relationship didn't work. He is likely to avoid repeating the mistakes he made in his previous relationship, has a clearer picture of what he desires in a new one and won't be hesitant in sharing his heart on those matters. He does not want to waste his time or yours if you do not want to walk the same path as him. He may long to enjoy life again with a woman he can relate to at a deeper level.

They tend to be far more tolerant
Studies suggest that men tend to find it `sexy' to date a divorced woman. They view them as far more worldly, less crazy about life's details than their `happily-married' counterparts, and after dealing with their ex, definitely, more tolerant.

They see things practically
Although she's learnt life's love lessons the hard way, a divorced woman has figured that the `happily ever after' is; a concept best suited to wind up a fairy-tale. She has far more realistic expectations. Men love this, because they don't feel the pressure to be perfect prince charmings.

They are less inhibited
Women who have separated often tend to be less inhibited and ready to explore their sexual prowess in bed. They don't have the hang-ups of a woman who is a first timer.
They have experience behind them, after all. Ditto for men.

They totally `get' it
He's been there and done that. He understands that life's a learning curve, ups and downs, petty arguments, and the struggles that come with a serious relationship, are all part of it. It's not easy to keep things smooth sailing always, and just because his marriage didn't work out, it doesn't mean he's not up to n the challenge to do it again.

They aren't judgemental
husband So you tend to run away from girls who see their in you after the first date? Date a woman who has legally separated. She knows the possible perils a relationship can bring, and therefore, likes to take things slowly. Besides, even if you ask her out, you don't have to worry about being judged. It seems that while not all of them are ready for hot romance, polite interest from a man is always welcome.

They come with advantages
If you're crazy about babies, but aren't ready to have a few of your own, a divorced guy with a kid or two will give you the baby-fix you're looking for without overwhelming you

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