01:-Hypertension on the high? Here are top 10 tips to get it down and keep it down. Desk jobs, lack of exercise and eating salty fast foods have contributed to the problem, even among the young. If your level is consistently at or above 140mmHg/ 90mmHg (referred to as 140 over 90). The 140 figure is the systolic pressure — the pressure reached when the heart forces the blood around the body — and 90 is the diastolic pressure — the lowest pressure that occurs between heartbeats when the heart relaxes. (Thinkstock Photos/ Getty Images) 
02:-Go for a weekly jog: Jogging for just an hour a week can increase your life expectancy by six years. Researchers believe jogging delivers multiple health benefits, improving oxygen uptake and lowering blood pressure, as well as many more benefits. However, any physical activity can help lower blood pressure by strengthening the heart so it can pump more blood with less effort, thereby decreasing the force on the arteries.
03:-Enjoy yoghurt: Just one small pot a day can reduce your chances of developing high blood pressure by a third. Scientists think naturally occurring calcium can make blood vessels more supple, enabling them to expand slightly and keep pressure low. (Thinkstock Photos/ Getty Images) 
04:-Go bananas: Eating potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, and reducing salt intake could save thousands of lives every year. Potassium is an important mineral that controls the balance of fluids in the body and helps to lower blood pressure. Making sure you eat five. (Thinkstock Photos/ Getty Images)
05:-Lose weight: Research has shown that dropping just a few kilos can have a substantial impact on your blood pressure. Excess weight makes your heart work harder and this strain can lead to high blood pressure. (Thinkstock Photos/ Getty Images)

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