are the culprit in the genesis of blackheads. Washing your face is
actually a bit more complicated than you might have thought. Blackheads
are essentially the result of improper procedures in washing your face!
Although your Mom might have bored you with discussions on face washing,
she, as usual, ;) was right.
get rid of blackheads, you need to know how they make their ugly
appearance. Here's how blackheads form. The pores in your skin breathe.
You've probably noticed how, on a hot day, or with hard work, your skin
sweats, releasing water from the pores of your skin, nature's way of
cooling you off. This means that the pores must open, which happens in
response to the heat. When you cool off, the pores close. Any dirt, oil
or dust which settled on your skin while the pores were open, then gets
stuck inside the closed pore. Gross as it might sound, this foreign
matter sits there and festers. It's trapped. Bacteria grows. The surface
of the pore contents gradually turns black. Underneath the skin, a
mini-infection forms. You've got a blackhead. Yuck! Now, how to get rid
of blackheads.
as you might do, as a teenager I too thought the most expedient
solution was to squeeze the area around the blackhead. I couldn't stand
the thought of this nasty mark on my face. The result of this method was
not good. I usually ended up with two fingernail cuts surrounding the
blackhead. Using sufficient pressure, the blackhead popped out, followed
by the white-yellowish infected material. Yuck again! While I did get
rid of blackheads, this method left a quite unattractive hole in my
face, the size of the blackhead, with half-moon shaped cuts from my
fingernails. Not pretty.
finally discovered that Mom's admonitions on face washing were correct.
Once I adopted the right face washing procedure, I was delighted to get
rid of blackheads for good! So, here's the drill:
a washcloth dripping wet with water that's warm, but no so hot as to
burn you. This opens the pores and prepares the skin to be cleaned.
out the washcloth and gently place it over your face. Let it sit there
for a couple of minutes. Now you're ready for the soap.
you have oily skin, an oatmeal soap helps absorb the oil and is rough
enough to remove the dirt and oil. If you have sensitive skin, a
glycerine soap works best. Suds it up between your hands and use your
fingers to go over the surface of your face. Promptly rinse your hands,
re-wet the washcloth with warm water and thoroughly rinse off the soap.
that the warm water is what opens the pores. To get rid of blackheads,
here's the critical step. You need to close the pores to prevent dirt
getting inside. You need to rinse again, this time with cool water.
Then, use a cotton ball or pad to apply an astringent. Witch hazel is
excellent for this purpose and is quite inexpensive. In addition to
closing and tightening the pores, it's soothing to the skin.
all you need to do to get rid of blackheads and prevent future
outbreaks! Once you're used to this method, it's as easy as brushing
your teeth. You'll have no blackheads and your skin will glow.
is the best blackhead treatment you'll find. BTW, if you have any scars
from previous blackheads, try this for a flawless complexion. Puncture a
vitamin E gel capsule with a sterilized needle and apply directly to
the scar at night. Within a few weeks, you'll see that scar diminishing.