In a race to lose weight, we tend to try out or buy any weight loss equipments that "guarantees" weight loss.

But there are certain weight loss equipments which are a sheer waste of money and time. Our Fitness Expert Arnav Sarkar helps us with the top five useless weight loss equipments to avoid.

Useless weight loss equipments

Twister machine - It is available in most gyms but the twister machine is not an effective weight loss equipment. Twister machine is good equipment for mobility.

Useless weight loss equipments

Sauna belt - This is sold as "the easiest way to lose belly fat". That's not the case, sauna belt will make you sweat but you will not lose fat. Hence sauna belt is completely useless weight loss equipment.

Useless weight loss equipments

Shake weights - This is as bad as the sauna belt. You apparently switch it on and the vibration helps you lose weight, this is completely baseless.

Useless weight loss equipments

Ab vibrating machine - This machine too is available at gyms and is nothing but an excuse for lazy people.

Useless weight loss equipments

Ultra light dumbbells - It has no effect on weight loss or to build muscles. It is definitely not an alternative for weight lifting for women.


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