spots are a common phenomenon during summer. They are not just stubborn
but they also take a long time to fade. So, if you are struggling to
get rid of them, here are a few tips that will help you: Lemon juice: Dab freshly squeezed lemon juice on the sun spots twice a day. You can also apply it as a pack after mixing it with one tablespoon of honey. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Buttermilk: Apply pure buttermilk on the spots. Wash after 15 minutes. It will help lighten spots. Red onions: Apply red onion juice on the spots thrice a day. This makes the spots fade
How to get sexy feet in summers?
Yes, feet have a lingo of their own.
And yes, it is possible for them to don a real haute and sexy avatar,
provided you are ready to indulge this highly neglected part of your
body! In case, you are ready to make some ef…Read More
How to Get perfect beach holiday skin
love holidaying on beach, but they do not know how to keep their skin
glowing. Expert gives tip to protect skin to have that beautiful beach
holiday look. Jill Zander, founder of the Jill Zander Skin
Rejuvenation…Read More
trendiest hairstyles of 2014!
For those ladies who are thinking about spring and summer of next year,
they can start experimenting with braids. Popular ones include the braid
crown, in which a thick braid is wrapped around the crown of the head
and th…Read More
Lonely women reveal too much on Facebook
Researchers have said that women who disclose things about themselves on Facebook are very lonely in reality.
In examining the Facebook postings of 616 women, the researchers from
Charles Sturt University in New South Wal…Read More
Does Alcohol make you hunt for pretty faces?
Goggle' is real. People become more attracted to the opposite sex after
a few drinks and even a small amount of alcohol can shift your
attention to gorgeous ladies. According to researchers
from University of Bris…Read More