Here's the recipe


Whole wheat flour/atta 2 cups
Salt 1/2 tsp
Oil 2 tbsp + to toast paratha

For layering
Oil 4 tbsp
Whole Wheat Flour/Atta 2 tbsp


-In a wide bowl, add flour and salt mix well. Then to the flour add oil and combine the flour with oil well.
-After that using water knead it to a soft, smooth dough. The dough should be little loose and moisture but not sticky.
-Then shape it to a round ball and keep it covered in a oiled bowl.
-Let it rest for 1-2 hours. I let it for 2 hours.
-After resting time, divide the dough into 6 big lemon sized balls.
-And mix flour and oil for layering and keep ready.
-Now take one ball and using a rolling pin roll it to a wide thin disc, roll it wide and thin as possible.
-To this add 2 tsp oil-flour mixture and spread it all over the disc.
-Then pleat the dough to make folds as shown in the picture. And stretch a little bit and roll into spiral.
-Then keep that spiral aside covered. And follow the same procedure for rest dough balls. Keep it covered for 5 minutes.
-And then roll each spirals to a round flat disc.

After that heat the tawa, smear with few drops of oil then place on rolled flat disc and cook for a minute or until a bubble appears.

Then flip other side and drizzle oil around and press gently using spatula and cook until you see some brown spot on bottom side. Again turn other and cook for few seconds.

Remove from the tawa and make all other prepared disc the same way.

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